
I want to break free!!! (sing along with Queen's music)

Guys you know what? I'M DONE. I promise this is the last time I will ever mention what-was-I-thinking-of?-Rabbi in this blog. What happened? Not worth telling... How do I feel? Marvelowonderful!!! Fantabulous!!! and for once in the past year: FREE!!!

I couldn't even be cool about dating other people cause I always had Rabbi in my head, but it's all done. Over. Finito. And when you have a little bit of brains, you know you should let go of the people you love (specially when they are INSANE and confused), so they can be crazy and do whatever they want to do with their lifes. And I am FREE. Hopefully he will find someone sweet who can put up with his roller-coaster personality. And me? I'll be fine.

As Jo Dee Messina wonderfully said:
Bye bye, love, I'll catch you later!
Got my left foot down
on my accelerator
And the rearview mirror torn off
Cause I ain't ever looking back
And that's a fact

So, on a very happy note, it seems like I will be spending Pesach with my Dad this year.. yeai!!!! Have I told you before how much I love Pesach? Well, maybe not everthing about Pesach, it does get annoying sometimes, but I love to sit down and have a Pesach Seder with the people I love... and this year, hopefully BH it will be with my favorite man!!! Daddy-o!!!!!!!!

As for now, I'll get back to work... I'm taking a couple of days off next week to visit my Mom, so I'd better get my stuff together.

From the tropics with love,



Hila said...

I LOVE Queen! Hahahah...So glad to hear you will be able to spend Pesach with your Papa :-) Keep writing, I miss it when you don't post often! And check back on my blog, hopefully I'll have some interesting stuff up soon. :-) As always, all the best!

Hila said...

thanks Jewcess!!! don't worry, you didn't post your comment with anything other than a link to your Jewcess profile! i don't know how to make it so that anonymous people can't post on my site but yet they can delete their own comments if they want to...hmmm...need to work on that! but for now, off to class! just wanted to let you know not to panic :-)
shabbat shalom,