
Nichnas yayin yotzo sod

He-who-'till-Saturday-rocked-my-world: I don't want you to be the rebbetzin, ok?

Me: Ouch. (turns head, tears bundle up in corner of eyes)

He-who-'till-Saturday-rocked-my-world: blah blah blah blah.... (which translates to:)

He-who-no-longer-rocks-my-world has a lost screw in his head. He is in love. But he is in love with his classmate. Yes, with his classmate from rabbinical school. The woman-rabbi-to-be, the married-with-children-woman with whom he spends hours every day studying G-d's words... the woman who loves him back and fears G-d for it.

Scarey, huh?

I thought one of the commandments was "Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's wife". I was also under the impression that a person who chooses to become a man of faith would have enough inner strength to find G-d before they would defy any of the commandments. Well, he's only human. Poor thing must be going through a very rough time.

Nichnas yayin yotzo sod...so, thanks to the wine I know the truth now. Baruch Hashem I'm out of this relationship... and yes, better now than later!

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