
Stories of soccer, kipot, rabbis and THE rebbetzin

So everybody is going wild with the World Cup. This morning Argentina kicked Servia & Montenegro's buttocks with a 6-0 and well, little Costa Rica's behind was kicked yesterday by Ecuador in a very sad 3-0 that pretty much sent them back home and left me debating who is my next favorite team. Still don't know.

He-who-till-Saturday-before-last-rocked-my-world has been wearing a woven kipa with the shape of half a soccer ball. Yes, he lead the service last Shabbat wearing it, and taught all his classes this week wearing it. The rabbi and him are always talking soccer and debating whether the cup will go to Argentina (rabbi's fave) or to Brazil (he-who-till-blah-blah's fave.) Soccer really brings the World together...and the rabbis...

I had a funny dream last night. In my dream RenReb called me on the phone. I love RenReb, and follow her blog every day, but realized last night that I'm, ejchemm, a little obsessed, don't you think? Dreaming about a fellow blogger???? That is pretty bizarre. Well, in my dream she called me on the phone and we talked for quite a while... I was giving her advice on life and she was giving me advice too. We were both sort of therapeutically venting out with each other. It was fun :o)

So, will check out the official website for the World Cup and decide which is my new favorite team. Why not the US? Because Americans don't play soccer. And they're doing as bad as Costa Rica. So... Cote D'Ivoire, perhaps? That's an underdog with potential :o)

Ok, back to my Torah Yoga, Chakra-Sefirot study and enough of soccer.

Shabbat Shalom!

1 comment:

Hila said...

Hey JewCess

Found your blog through RenReb---of course!!! I've been reading through your posts and trying to get to "know" you a little better. Isn't it weird how we get so interested and invested in the lives of our online blog "friends"? Anyway, I couldn't help but laugh out loud at you having dreams about RenReb because I can SOOO relate--I read her blog almost religiously...It's like a drug, I'm addicted!

Anyway, glad to "meet" you.
