
Nothing makes sense!

Today I came out as a blogger to my bestest best friend in the world, Merl. I had to, because I started reading my posts and realized I suck at writing and some posts make no sense... so I came out and appointed her Editor in Chief. So, if the blog becomes boring or things make no sense from here on, JewCess will blame Merl for it. :o)

So, to make things clear, here are some explanations I feel I have to make before I ever expect anybody to actually follow this blog, or maybe they were made before, but hey, if I wrote this and can't follow it, I can't begin to imagine that any of you could, though I'm sure most of you wouldn't have my levels of A.D.D. and maybe, sort of, could follow it as is, but anywhoo:

About me: Jewish. Conservative. Very religious. Not-Frum. Single. Craving a family. Too old to be single. Citizen of humanity. Citizen of the world. Yogini. Fashion designer. Madly in love with Spiderman.*

*Spiderman: He started this blog being he-who-rocks-my-world... and I really don't even know when I finally stated he's the Rabbi-to-be-who-rocks-my-world. In my tiny limited head I still think he's the love of my life and I will never ever find someone as wonderful as him. The only thing keeping him from perfection: He's not in love with me. :oP

If you want to know the reasons why we broke up, besides distance, click here.

Things that keep my head from thinking of Spiderman:
-Israel and the war (this makes me a lot sadder than my broken heart, I'd rather just be crying over unrequitted love)
-RenReb's blog (mmm, nah)
-Yoga (mmm... quite the opposite)
-Books (hmmmm... most remind me of him, because I always read and find something I would love to discuss with him)

Ok, just realized there aren't too many things to keep him off my head. Au contraire, what keeps him IN my head:
-My yoga class (it's in his parent's building)
-My yoga master (his cousin)
-My fave restaurant (where we actually met)
-RenReb's blog (I want to be HIS Renegade Rebbetzin)
-Movies (he's seen EVERY movie in the world.. ok maybe not EVERY movie but almost)
-Kosher cheeseburgers

Ok... enough torture. Everything reminds me of him. I'm a lunatic.

Enough of this drama queen stuff, back to NOW and more importante things. 9Av is tomorrow and I will make sure to focus on the well-being of the world. I've said it before: Let's fast for better days to come. For peace. For love. For tolerance.

We're the love generation.


Anonymous said...

I am with Rebecca. It is amazing, so bizarre, one day (HONESTLY) I was feeling so empty as the third wheel of my best friend and her boyfriend. They invited his friend along. He was the other third wheel (?!). After two hours of talking, I didn't think once "is he the one?" because I was too busy enjoying myself. The next day we had a date, and he told me he knew. How, I don't know, but that was it. And we are Conservative, so this wasn't a big to-do shidduch thing. Nonetheless, I went from zero to 60 in 2.3 seconds...and I am so happy. Enjoy this time, because your whole life can change in a second for the even bigger and better...and you will look back and realize that you should of never worried!

Unknown said...

HI From Trist In Australia

I know how u feel about you guy situtaion except I got the same issue but with thee girls. Rejection can hurt but truely just makes u stronger next time. Enjoy your freedom someone will come from no were when u lease expect it as Bec said it happen to her. Chear up smile it will make u feel better laughter and smiling is the best medicain.